Seasons of Love

Love follows no rules. Like sun in winter and rain in summer, love can blossom in the most unexpected places. This richly diverse collection of stories proves that love is as universal and as varied as the seasons.

Seasons of Love is here! Well, soon… It’s up for pre-order in the Beaten Track Shop.

I must admit I don’t really know what to write about it because I still haven’t read the stories but I wanted to share the cover because I think it’s lovely. Don’t you think it’s lovely?

I love it, and my story is right there in the middle of the autumn leaves. Think yellow and orange, beards and chequered shirts, canoes and healing hearts. Yep, we’re going back to Nortown.

As you can see from the cover, there are ten authors, and I’m excited because half of them are people I haven’t worked with before. For several days now I’ve been meaning to start reading the stories but there is always something getting in my way. Perhaps tonight will be the night I actually start reading, who knows.


Seasons of Love
Tourist Season by Deven Balsam
Machete Betty by Neptune Flowers
Once Around Seven by Ofelia Gränd
Winter Blossoms by Paul Iasevoli
Year of the Guilty Soul by A.M. Leibowitz
The Great Village Bun Fight by Debbie McGowan
A Springful of Winters by Dawn Sister
Out of Season by Bob Stone
Seashell Voices by Alexis Woods
Courting Light by A. Zukowski

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