Are You Looking for an Angel?

I picked up Angel and Firebird by Nell Iris a while ago, but I didn’t get around to reading it until now. I love a good short story, love that despite having a thousand things to do I can read a story from start to end and for a few minutes laugh or cry alongside a character. This is more of a cry story…definitely a cry story.

Angel-and-FirebirdPhoenix lost his lover, Gabriel, in a hate crime five years ago and hasn’t been able to move on. How can you? He’s functioning, goes to see his parents every week, works out, goes to work. He does what’s expected of him, but he isn’t living.

At night, his dreams are filled with memories and images of Gabriel and waking up is tearing him apart. Then there is a fire and Phoenix has to decide if he’s gonna leave the flat he and Gabriel shared to save himself…or not.

There are some heartbreaking moments in this one so if you’re in the mood for a good cry, snuggle up with some tissues. *

39853288Five years ago, Phoenix lost his lover Gabriel, his angel, in a horrific hate crime. All he wanted was to follow him into death and he struggled a long time trying to get his life back together. All this time later he still hasn’t been able to put the past behind him and forget about the love of his life.

On the anniversary of Gabriel’s death—and 25th birthday—Phoenix’ apartment building catches fire. Will Phoenix do the reasonable thing, or will he rise from the ashes to reunite with his beloved angel?

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