Read Around the Rainbow | Would You Rather…


It’s Read Around the Rainbow time! On the last Friday of every month, we’re a group of authors who get together and blog on the same topic. We figured we’d answer three ‘Would you rather’ questions on this first of last Fridays of the year.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Would you rather publish one insanely great-selling book and never write again … or publish a string of 15 average-selling books over a 20-year period?   

Never write again isn’t an option. Simply reading this question has me breaking out in a sweat. I’d go insane. I published about 15 stories per year, so even 15 in a 20-year period would leave me severely depressed and anxious.

Writing is my outlet. It’s therapy and reality escape all in one, not to mention it’s a lot of fun (at least when the characters cooperate). I can’t see myself living without writing most days of the week. I get sad and snarly when I don’t get to write.

If it was a question of publishing one insanely great-selling book that would earn me enough money that I’d never have to have a day job and I could write and not publish, that’s something I could live with. I would be lying if I said I don’t care about my readers because I do. There is no greater feeling than knowing that my words have touched someone. But I could live without readers as long as I get to write.

Would you rather be recognized wherever you go… or live a quiet (monetarily successful) life of anonymity?   

Anonymity! Is there seriously anyone who’d want to be recognised wherever they go? Monetarily successful AND unknown. It’s a dream come true.

Maybe I should let you know that I have some social anxiety and hide and pretend not to be at home if someone is knocking at the door. The vast majority of my friends live online, and my husband is the one who takes the kids to the doctor, the dentist, the conferences at school and so on. It goes weeks between the times I talk to anyone who isn’t hubby or my kids face-to-face, and when I do, it’s most often my sister who knows all about me freaking out if I have to leave the house. Once every third month or so, I go grocery shopping with my husband just to get a change of scenery. I have some 70-year-old ladies as neighbours that I stop and talk to if I meet them on dog walks. They’re pretty non-threatening.

Would you rather write in a rooftop garden surrounded by city noises — or in a quiet studio with cows as your neighbors?  

Cows. Where I live now, only one neighbouring house has people in it living year-round. I don’t have cows, just forest around me, and that suits me fine. If I have a say in the matter—and it’s my life so I should, right?—I’ll never live in a city again.

I’d take cows over people every day of the week.

See what the others rather would do!

Nell Iris

Fiona Glass

Amy Spector

Ellie Thomas

K.L. Noone

Addison Albright

8 thoughts on “Read Around the Rainbow | Would You Rather…

  1. Absolutely! A smash hit that pays the bills, followed by writing for myself? Yes please! As for living next to cows? Cows are darling. I would be onboard with keeping one of those darling long-haired ones as a pet, but every time I stay on my grandparent’s farm, after a day of watching the cows and hiking to the waterfalls, and a night of terrifying silence—honestly, why is the country so freakin’ quiet?!!!—I’m desperate to escape! LOL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is quiet. Some days I go outside and stand still to listen for a few minutes, and there is nothing but nature. The occasional car drives by, but for long stints of time, nothing. It’s glorious. I always get super stressed when I go into the city. All the people and noise *shudder* LOL


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